705 Orsat Gas Analysis Unit, with 3 absorption pipettes.

Orsat Gas Analysis Unit, with three absorption pipettes of two compartment type, 100 ml Gas Burette with outer Jacket, manifold with Stopcocks and aspirator bottle, for the analysis of CO, O2, CO2 particularly in fuel and furnace gases, complete in wooden cabinet with sliding doors

711 Orsat Gas Analysis Unit, with 4 absorption pipettes.

Orsat Gas Analysis Unit, with four absorption pipettes of two compartment type, 100 ml Gas Burette with outer Jacket, manifold with Stopcocks and aspirator bottle, Palldium, asbestos tube, adjustable spirit lamp for the analysis of CO, CO2, H2 and nitrogen (by difference) complete in wooden cabinet with sliding doors.

714 Orsat Gas Analysis Unit, with 5 absorption pipettes.

Orsat Gas Analysis Unit, with five absorption pipettes for determining CO2, CO, H2 illuminants methane, ethane and nitrogen (by difference). There are four absorption pipettes, of which two of the two compartments type filled with glass tubes to increase absorption area and two bubbling type with three way stopcock and one slow combustion pipette with platinum wire coil, and rheostat to operate on 220 volts, complete in wooden cabinet with sliding doors.

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